Mid-Term Rentals As A Side Hustle

Written by: Kathy Kristof

Forget about pandering to tourists or finding a long-time renter. If you want to make good money investing in real estate, consider mid-term rentals, says Sarah D. Weaver. Weaver now owns 19 rentals, nine of which she rents out furnished to people who stay for a few months at a time. At an age when most people are just getting started, she’s financially independent, spending the bulk of her time traveling the world.

Elizabeth Colegrove, 35, is in a similar situation. She didn’t intend to make investing in mid-term rentals a side hustle — or the full time job it became. But, her husband is in the military, which caused them to move six times in eight years. That made it difficult for Colgrove to keep a job. So she became the family property manager, renting out their first home. She later used savings and the equity from that rental to buy more rentals. Now the Colegroves own and rent out more than a dozen units and earn a six figure income in the process. Colegrove also blogs at


Double your Rent Checks with Mid-term Rentals